Finding Your Purpose Without The Fear of Failure

Have you ever been so scared of failing at something that you didn’t even bother to try?
Many of us have experienced this at one time or the other. If someone had told me years ago that failure is part of the journey to finding your purpose in life… I would have punched them in the throat. (kidding.. and not kidding at the same time lol)
Finding your purpose has to be the most fulfilling thing a human can achieve on this earth.
Your purpose is an overall vision for your life based on the things that matter most to you. This is your Northstar.
The reason why you get up early in the morning. Things you love doing that can also offer massive value to people around you…
On the other hand, the fear of failure is the irrational and persistent fear of failing to achieve one’s goal(s). This stems from several sources, such as Anxiety and Depression.
All my life I was told failure is bad and I should do everything humanly possible to avoid it. As I’ve grown older I’ve realized that there is no growth without failing. So embrace it… Learn from it… It is a necessary part of your journey to success…
In this post, you will discover why it is so hard to find your purpose, You will also learn how to find your purpose and overcome the fear of failure.
Align Your Life With Your True Purpose
To live a happy life you need to align yourself with a higher purpose. It can be serving a community or solving a problem in a way that makes you happy. Finding it requires a patient search. Having a clear purpose brings happiness, satisfaction, and meaning to our lives.
Why Is It So Hard To Find My Purpose?
Frustration arises when our lives are without purpose. This is a natural occurrence that drives you to figure things out, and find what you love, either on your own or with the help of others.
You are having a hard time finding your purpose because, In most cases when we feel a sense of unhappiness or lack of fulfillment. We try to occupy ourselves with activities, or a goal to help us avoid feeling that way. While this helps us prevent pain, it often distracts us from experiencing a sense of fulfillment and meaning.
There is this inner voice that tries to guide you all you have to do is listen to it. But sometimes we cannot hear it because there is too much noise going on in our lives. This current generation is too influenced by external stimulations that distract you from your inner voice and hinder you from your mission.
How Can I Find My Purpose?
Find out what feels right to you, you can do this by meditating, this allows you to tap into your inner inspiration and reconnect you to your core. You can try out several things that you’ve always wanted to try to see if anything speaks to you. You can also read books like Ikigai and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle’s– these books gave me clarity..
Once you know what to do, don’t let anything distract you, just take action. Take the smallest step that brings you closer to the kind of life you want. I have come to a place where I believe if you are not scared of that goal, then it is not worth taking action. If there is no fear, you cannot grow or learn. The bigger the fear of tackling something new, the more important it is for your growth and development.
Finding your purpose isn’t something you can do in a couple of days, weeks, or months. It can be a lifelong journey and you must do it one step at a time.
How do I change my mindset from Fear of Failure?
Your thoughts become your feelings and your feelings govern the body. So to change your mindset, it must start with your thoughts. Repeat your affirmations, believe them, and embrace challenges as they are opportunities for growth.
Think about your dreams, and envision yourself in the future or reality you want, you must believe that you are already who you want to be and start acting like it. Believe in your abilities and let your light shine bright.
How do I Overcome the Fear of Failure?
To be honest, fear is just a distraction. It’s a bloody time waster. For you to achieve something amazing for yourself, your family, or your community, you must be brave.
Striving to achieve a big goal that solves problems or just helps make life a little bit better, speaks to your character and values. It shows that your heart is in the right place and you just want to do your little bit that advances creation.
Once you figure out what you’re passionate about Take Massive Action. Make sure you take 1 step every day to become better at it. This is the only way you can get rid of fear is by doing the shit you said you were going to do.
P.S: Every goal, everything has a price. “If you want to be the boss, you have to learn how to serve.”
Serving is the price for being successful. Took me 4 years of critical thinking and life experience to uncover this.
Stop wasting your precious time being afraid of things you can’t control. Instead, find what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for, and take massive action pursuing what sparks joy in you…